Friday, July 18, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Believe me, I really entertained the idea of scribbling my own the-end-of-the-world-is-here letter and distributing it through e-mail, similar to the "chain messages" we receive on our cellphones. Many Filipinos believe in this kind of mumbo jumbo, don't we? I might as well kill my time sharing things like this when I get bored.
"Pass this message to all your friends or you're gonna die in 7 days." "Pass this message to all your friends or something bad will happen to you in 50 hours." "Recite Hail Mary 77 times and Our Father 98 times and you will receive the grace that god will give to you in 3 days. Ignore this and something bad will happen to your loved ones..."
I'm tired of hearing people saying wala naman mawawala sa'yo kung susundin mo. Actually, there is. If you know for yourself that superstitions are not true, why still do it? It's like you're fooling yourself. Respeto mo sa sarili mo ang isa sa mawawala sa 'yo. How many superstitions are you willing to follow? Imagine if you are going to follow all of them, you'll be wasting a lot of time and energy which could be channeled instead to doing some REAL and positive things.
We're living in a 21st century world now. It's about time we wake up from sleeping through stone-age period.
Posted by
Nutty Boy
law of nature,
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Eraserheads? Eraserheads? Yes! Your eyes don't fool you! Eraserheads, the legendary, critically-acclaimed, best-selling Filipino pop/rock band, will be reuniting for a one-night concert to be held at the CCP Open Grounds on August 30, 2008! Talk about reminiscing, woohoo!
The fuzz about the reunion has actually been hovering like wild airborne virus over the blogosphere and cyber communities for a week now. And it just needed one brush of confirmation from none other than ELI BUENDIA himself, no less, to seal the spreading gossips off with an ultraelectromagnetic yes!
Eraserheads Reunion. At last.
This will be a one-night only concert, and they may never have another reunion in the future, so it's really wise to try attending this one. My only complaint is that the concert is for free, which means the venue will easily be swarmed with uncontrollable number of people from all walks of life who may create tensions while moshing, slam dancing and headbanging to the tunes. It's going to be a wild circus.
Each to get around P5 million? Hmmm...
But, well, a good music always comes with a bang.
For more info, visit
Friday, July 4, 2008
Friday, July 04, 2008
College days came back to me when my officemates inadvertently brought up philosophy subject to lunch a while ago. I remember my own adventure in the world of nothing-can-come-out-of-nothing stuff. It was both funny and draining. Funny because you wouldn't know whether what you and your philosophy professor are talking about makes sense. Draining because all those seemingly stupid questions would tire you out and you would still not come up with convincing answers. What is life? Does god exist? Is mankind morally good? What is a priori?
It's not that I really don't care to really find out the answers to all these questions. My opinion is that life, which I want to enjoy, is too short to be used and spent to answer questions that may remain unanswerable forever.
This is not to say that philosophy doesn't have value. It does have value. And admit it or not, we learned from this philosophy. In fact, many of us have some sort of philosophy in the sense of a personal outlook on life, as we all know it. Even a man who claims that contemplating on philosophic questions is a waste of time is actually expressing what is important or worthwhile. Hating philosophy is STILL a philosophy.
Through studying philosophy, I discovered that not all truths are truths, and not all lies are lies. In philosophy, I learned to think critically and logically. Through it I discover the ways to expand what I can think of. By "philosophizing," I learned to prove or disprove things by arguing. I jumped from the "quagmire of ignorance" to the hills of knowledge, so to speak (although I must say I sometimes wish I were still ignorant on some matters like religion). As philosophers say, every institution of society is based on philosophic ideas, whether that institution is the law, government, religion, the family, marriage, industry, business, or education. What you are today is a product of some philosophical ideas surrounding you.
Talk about this philosophy makes me really miss my college days. I almost made a "treatise" about the value/existence of free will! That's how serious I was.
So much for philosophy. It's been a while since I last saw my professor. I wonder how would he tell the students that the "chair" really doesn't exist...
------------------------------------- Here is an old philosophy joke that made me really laugh. I still find a lot of this kind in many discussions and forums:
Two freshman philosophy students see the following bulletin posted on the wall of their lecture hall:
CRASH COURSE IN LOGICAL ASSUMPTIONS Saturday, September 26, 1998, All Day
Neither of them knows what it means and they are both curious. The pair decide to find the professor and ask some questions. When they locate the professor's office, the bolder of the two enter the building while the other remains outside.
Student: "Uh...Sir..What does Crash Course in Logical Assumptions mean?" Professor: "Well, it involves taking information that you have, forming assumptions using logic, and then creating new information. Let me try to answer your question by asking you a question. Do you own a car?" Student: "Uh...Yes, I do."
Professor: "Well, then I can now logically assume that you drive." Student: "Yes, I drive. "
Professor: "Then I can logically assume that you drive on weekends." Student: "Yeah, I drive on weekends, I go out on dates."
Professor: "Then I can logically assume that you have date partners." Student: "Well, yes, I have a girlfriend."
Professor: "Then I can logically assume that you are heterosexual." Student: "Uh...hell yes! OK, I think I understand what this course is about now. Thanks a lot for your time."
Once back outside, his friend asks him: "So, what's it all about?" "Its about using information and stuff...Let me answer your question by asking you a question. Do you own a car?" "No." "Uh...Then you're homosexual, dude!"
Posted by
Nutty Boy
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
After blaming God, Sulpicio Lines is now suing PAGASA for a wrong forecast. Isn't that great? I mean, wow, the Sulpicio's lawyers are really keeping their asses focused on the job. They are trying everything to reduce the weight of guilt by passing it to somebody. If only they would just accept their mistakes and rectify it by helping the dead people's relatives, they might still be able to earn the forgiveness of the victims.
Posted by
Nutty Boy
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